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Chee Chee Chee
Jun. 10, 2009 3:21 p.m.

Three things I've learned from watching soap operas:

1. Nobody is ever dead. They could be drawn, quartered, and served for dinner with their head as a centerpiece and they will manage to come back to life.

2. Nobody is allowed to be happy. Ever. The minute you are happy, something horrible will come along to change your entire world. Someone will get kidnapped, shot, thrown over a waterfall, die (though not permanently), or just disappear alltogether.

3. If you have an alter ego or an evil twin (which you will), their name must rhyme with yours. For example, if your name is Bonbon Bouffant Malaria, your alter ego's name MUST be Chonchon Chouffant Chalaria.

That�s all!
Sincerely, Chafflehead

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

The Chef-- Fresh Waffles-- Stale Waffles-- Sign my G-book!-- Ingredients-- Leave your Fave Waffle a Note-- The Big Wafflehouse