visitors on myspace
2002-09-25 3:37 p.m.

Today, after school, I decided that I would not talk in English for the rest of the night. I would instead talk in a mixture of French, Jibberish, and Pig Latin. So actually, this entry should say:

Au'jourhui, a fobble tobble e robble ecole, Je ecided-day at-thay Je wobble o u lobble dobble nobble o tobble parle en englaise pour tobble hobble e robble e sobble tobble o fobble e-thay ight-nay. Je ould-way i nobble sobble tobble e a dobble parle en a ixture-may o fobble francais, Jobble i bobble bobble e robble i sobble hobble, et ig-Pay atin-Lay. Sobble o a cobble tobble u a lobble lobble yobble, is-thay e nobble tobble robble yobble ould-shay ay-say:

That is all.

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

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