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And then if it's a girl....when she's a teenager......"Uhh.....yes. Can you direct me to the tampons? I need some for Mybutt."
2002-10-05 5:34 a.m.

And THEN, after writing this, I realized that Ima wasn't such a bad name....what if you named your kid Mybutt? I can just hear the mother going into the store....

"Um...excuse me, can you tell me where I can get some baby formula for Mybutt?"

"Doctor! Come quick! Mybutt swallowed a quarter!"

"Awwww how cute! Mybutt just burped!"

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

The Chef-- Fresh Waffles-- Stale Waffles-- Sign my G-book!-- Ingredients-- Leave your Fave Waffle a Note-- The Big Wafflehouse