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Only...the Sunday School teacher is some relation to him too
2002-10-13 2:49 a.m.

There is a hottie tottie boy at my church that I would like to make out with.

Not that I'm going to, considering the only place I ever see him is at church.

I can just see it. The preacher is talking about abstinence or something like that, and I stand up, run across the church, grab him, and start making out with him. I think the preacher would KILL me.

Did I mention that the preacher is the hottie tottie guy's dad?

Maybe I should do it in Sunday School.....

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

The Chef-- Fresh Waffles-- Stale Waffles-- Sign my G-book!-- Ingredients-- Leave your Fave Waffle a Note-- The Big Wafflehouse