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Did you really think that was a profession? Be honest.....I had you for a minute!
2002-12-19 9:26 p.m.

Today, I discovered what I want to be in life. I want to be a biscuit licker.

You know, the people in all the restuarant kitchens who answer to the chef? Every time the chef gets done baking a plate of biscuits, someone's job is to lick each and every single one of them to make sure they taste ok.

Some kids want to be firemen. I want to be a biscuit licker.

So remember, everyone, next time you go to a resturant; you should tell the waiter that you would prefer NOT to have a pre-licked biscuit.

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

The Chef-- Fresh Waffles-- Stale Waffles-- Sign my G-book!-- Ingredients-- Leave your Fave Waffle a Note-- The Big Wafflehouse