visitors on myspace
She still doesn't get it.
Feb. 05, 2005 3:24 p.m.

I love my sister, mostly because she gives me things to write in here. This is a convo we had on MSN a few nights ago. Just in case, "OOOOGALLY BLA BLA BLA AHHHHHHHH!" doesn't mean anything at all, my friend was just typing random words and being silly. I decided to have fun with her. I'm so evil. Here's the convo:

Rachel: Eric said for me to tell you, "OOOOGALLY BLA BLA BLA AHHHHHHHH!"
Sister: What does that mean?
Me: you have to read it backwards to get it
Sister: Ha alb alb alb ylago?
Sister: I'm confused.
Me: nooo read it out loud
Me: and you have to add "Da" between each word
Sister: I DON'T GET IT
Me: maybe you're not saying it right
Sister: Write it out how it's supposed to sound
Me:'s supposed to sound like it out loud just as I type it: Eye am reel eee stoop id
Sister: Oh, gotcha
Sister: But I didn't get it with the words or whatever.
Sister: You are raddling my brain
Me: I tried to explain it
Me: sorry
Sister: You should be, missy.

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