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The sad thing is, he was probably right.
Aug. 18, 2006 12:41 p.m.

I work at an after-school program, and since school has just started, you can expect many funny "Kids say the darndest things" style entries in the near future.

Here's my one for today:

Yesterday, I was teaching a music class to younger kids (Kindergarden, first, and second graders) and we were talking about rap music. We talked about how a lot of it is inappropriate, and I asked why they think that musicians put those words in their songs.

After a few really good answers, such as, "They want to be cool", "They want to shock people", "They want kids to learn bad words", one enthusiastic boy raised his hand.

When I called on him, he guessed, "Because they are drunk?"

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

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