visitors on myspace
New Slogan!
Jun. 25, 2009 2:09 p.m.

Since I installed my stat tracker, I have had visitors from a Radio Shack in Texas, a college in Korea, a school in Pennsylvania, a car phone in the United Kingdom (Please don�t Wafflehead and drive!), a Toys R Us in New Jersey, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (Please don�t Wafflehead and operate!), and another school in Oklahoma.

I�m going to change my catch phrase to, �Wafflehead: Helping students and employees waste time since 2002. (Yes, I�ve really been around that long!)

{{ Yesterday�s Leftovers - Tomorrow�s Breakfast }}

The Chef-- Fresh Waffles-- Stale Waffles-- Sign my G-book!-- Ingredients-- Leave your Fave Waffle a Note-- The Big Wafflehouse